Real Landscape - Real Mistake

Location Bischofshofen
Year 2005
Functions Art project
Status Built
GIA -m2
PS -

The zebra crossing as a three-dimensional sequence leads through rooms and landscape bodies...rises above the landscape in the free, neutral forest and meadow area and thus becomes a kind of self-built utopia.


The tectonics of the forest and the open landscape bring the zebras into position and through the almost "inhuman movement" into a state of stillness.



We developed the project REAL LANDSCAPE - REAL MISTAKE for an art project in Bischofshofen (Salzburg – Austria).

The initiators’ basic idea was to develop objects on this theme along a path – on the one hand through the asphalt centre of the town, on the other through the adjoining forest. To formulate this theme in a kind of directness, or better clarity, holds the foundations of failure to a certain extent. 

The project's aim was to connect the rest of the themed objects that lined up along the 4 km path with a zebra crossing – thus, a 4 km zebra crossing.

There is no predetermined direction of movement. The zebra itself is the idealized connection……the "real mistake"…bordering on the absurd.

